Tuesday 27 November 2012

Introduction To My Short Film

I have edited the introduction for my short film, and this is what it will be. At the start I have included the title of the film 'Vengeance' so the viewer knows what it's called. I have made it the same colour and font as it is in the poster I created, so it is easily recognisable for the audience too. With the two shots that come after (the name of the house and the house itself) I slowed them down to make them more eerie. The reason I opened with these shots is to show the audience where the film is set, therefore everything that happens in the house afterwards will not happen in an unknown area to everyone. If I didn't show where the film is set, the audience may be confused. 

Monday 26 November 2012

Film Poster - Second Draft

After much feedback and editing, I have created a second draft for my film poster, and one that I am more pleased with. Firstly I changed the slogan of the film at the top of the page to 'Will He Come For You?' instead, as it sounds more sinister. It has the same meaning as the original (Is It Your Turn?) however gives a bit more of the storyline away in a better, more scary way.
I also added a star rating to it to make the poster seem more like a real poster, with some quotes about the film. The quotes help to tell the audience more about the film, and since they tell us that it is scary, it will attract them.
I added a date at the bottom of the page as well to also add to the realism. 

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Film Poster - First Draft

FIlm Poster Deconstruction - Sinister

This poster has been carefully designed in order to give off the correct connotations for the audience. One thing that we notice immediately is that the image is quite light; black is not a colour which is present here, therefore this is fairly different to typical horror conventions. However, this allows us to see more of the image.
There is not a main focus point in the image, as nothing is placed directly in the centre, other than the title. The girl connotes that children will most likely be found in the film, and these children could possibly be antagonist characters as the girl shown is wiping blood on the wall, as if she doesn't care.
if we follow the blood trail that she has made to where most of the blood is found, we see that a face has emerged from the stain. As the face is an evil looking one, this shows that this character will also be  a murderer/someone with an evil purpose. Due to the fact that we cannot actually see him; it is just an outline, means that this person could have a mysterious personality in the film. Another point that shows us this character is evil is simply because the face has been produced from blood, which connotes he could be a killer.
A tape reel is found on the floor, so lots of video footage could be found during the film. This could present a sense of mystery with a detective atmosphere whilst the audience watches, as the tapes may show the audience clues that need to be properly solved. The fact that it is also found beneath the face that we presume to be the killer tells us that the videos, if there are any, will most likely to be liked to the antagonist of the film.
As 'Sinister' is found in bold writing in the centre of the shot tells the viewer that this word is particularly important, and may tell us more about the genre and what happens in the film. Each letter also smudges slightly down the image, which connotes a sense of death, and also blood (which ties in with the death).

Film Poster Deconstruction - Scream 4

Scream 4's film poster is very well made, as it does a good job of sticking in the audience's heads.
Firstly, the face in the middle of the page has been thoughtfully created. The mask looks very sinister and creepy, so we immediately know that it's a horror, and this is the antagonist. As you look down the mask, it becomes apparent that the bottom half is shaped like a knife. This may give off a clue as to the weapon he uses to kill his victims. The shot of the mask is from a side on view, which makes it thinner, therefore again adding to the knife similarities.
The lighting is shown in the middle to make the face stand out, and it also casts a glint on the bottom of the knife-shaped chin, showing how sharp and deadly it is. As soon as one reads the title of the film, 'Scream', they will know immediately that its a horror, or has something to do with this particular genre. 
The background colour is black, therefore allowing the other parts to the poster stand out, catching the viewer's eye. Black is also a stereotypical horror related colour, so many film posters about horror will include black as their primary colour. The title colour is white, so our eyes get drawn to it first therefore e know what the film is called straight away. However, some of the text is red. This could be because red is the colour of blood, and gore is commonly found in horrors so this helps to bring across that idea.  

Tuesday 6 November 2012

180 Degree Rule

This is the 180 degree rule, and is important in cinematography.  It states that the camera must remain on the same side of an imaginary horizontal line, perpendicular to the camera's viewpoint, from which the shot is taken.
During conversations, this rule is used a lot. If the camera is filming one person addressing the other from left to right, the following shots must also keep this perspective by staying the same side as the imaginary line. The reason this needs to be followed is because it will not appear as if the characters are addressing each other.
Overall, the 180 degree rule is very good at applying a sense of continuity for the audience.

Monday 5 November 2012

Filming - Friday 2nd November

I went to my location at this date for the first time to do some proper filming. I only filmed a few shots; all were outside. My cast and I got a real feel for the location I am using, therefore when I come to film next time we'll all be used to it, making filming easier.

I have recorded what we did and what is was like: