Tuesday 12 February 2013

Evaluation Question 4 - 'How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?'

In this slideshare presentation I have showed many of the media technologies that I have used to create my coursework. There were many different websites and equipment that were used, many of which presented my work in different ways for the audience. There are many positives and negatives that come with using media technology.
Many can be easy to use, and since lots of people use cameras/websites, it is easy to find tutorials on the internet. However, if for some reason you cannot get access to the internet, it is near impossible to do your work since it relies so heavily on the internet. People who own Apple Macs are at an advantage when it comes to editing, since they will have iMovie, therefore people who don't are limited to school or somewhere that has one. This means they may have less time to edit, due to the lack of availability.
Web 2.0 allowed me to post my work on social websites so I could gain valuable feedback, while blogger and other websites such as prezi allowed me to easily apply these improvements and repost them.

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