Wednesday 26 December 2012

Production Process Of Film Poster

This post just outlines some of the production processes that went into creating my film poster. For example, in the first picture I have not added any effects in, other than the effect the main image already has. In the second picture is where I added all the effects and changed a few of the colours.

Tuesday 25 December 2012

Film Poster - Final Draft

After my Year 9 feedback, I have changed the picture on my poster. This should give the viewer a much bigger clue as to what the film is about compared to the signs that the previous picture gave off. In this image, the antagonist is leaping towards the camera, so it looks like he is coming to kill the viewer, with a knife.

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Vengeance - A Horror Short Film

My horror short film is near completion now. During the holidays I will be adding a couple more shots in between the shots that are there currently there, as the time of the film is only 2:49s. Therefore I will at least get it into the 3 minute mark, if not a bit more than that if possible. I did my best to create a variety of shots; ranging from eye level to high angle to door-opening shots. With a horror film the sound is the key, so I spent much of my time editing the sound to be as best as it can be. With every antagonist shot I either added a loud sound effect in or I made the background ambience louder, to emphasise on the fact that he is trying to kill the protagonist and so should be avioded. The first half of the film is kept in the light so we can easily see what is going on in each shot, but in the second part where she ventures down to the basement I made sure all the lights were out, using only a torch, therefore it keeps the viewer on edge as the antagonist could jump out at any time. I ensured that the knife she picks up in the kitchen was a fairly large, sharp one, so it makes the film more lethal and real, and I also used a similar knife for the antagonist to hold as well.  

Film Review - Second Draft

Here, I have added a picture into the white space that was there previously. I chose this image as it has both the protagonist and antagonist in shot, and they are both reflected in the mirror, which I believe adds to the scariness. I made sure to fill out the whole of the space so there are no blank patches, while still maintaning easy navigation around the film review when reading it.

Feedback For My Poster

In order to get proper feedback for my poster, I printed it out and showed it to a group of Year 9 students. I do not know them, therefore their feedback is very critical and reliable. After showing it to them, I fond out that:

  • The effect on the image was very good, and should be kept as it creates an eeriness, however the image itself should be changed, as the Year 9 students did not know enough about the character in the image. Therefore I will take a different picture where the antagonist is holding a weapon, so the viewer definitely knows that this is the killer, and so the slogan at the top of the poster 'Will He Come For You?' will help to show that this person might come to kill you too.

  • The font of 'Vengeance' helps to show that this is a horror film, along with the red colour, and the black background also tells the viewer immediately that this is a horror genre. The quotes at the bottom also help to make this film scarier. They are the last thing that the viewer will see, so they will stick in their minds as it did with the Year 9s that I showed.

Sunday 16 December 2012

Vengeance - Editing so far

This is what I have edited so far. On 17th December I shall be finishing my short film off completely, plus uploading it to blogger. I have filmed other clips to add to the film ready to edit in iMovie, however I lack sound effects, therefore if I add them at the moment, the viewer will not understand what is happening. A sound effect I will be adding is a door slam which currently is not in there, in the clip where the protagonist looks round to the door. I may also consider re-doing this shot completely, if I am not happy with the sound effect which I add in.

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Film Review - First Draft

This is the first draft for my film review. I will place a suitable picture in the empty white space after I have chosen one, therefore it is not completely finished yet. I added the star rating at the bottom of the page so the viewer of this review will get a rough idea of how good Vengeance is, therefore they will know whether they want to see/buy it or not. On the left had side I added a box with some basic information in, so the viewer will immediately see what it's about and other information such as actors. At the top of the page, I made Vengeance the same font and colour as it is in the film poster and the actual film, so it is easily recognisable. I also added a quote from the main text, and put it to the side in a much bigger font and seperated it with red lines so eyes get drawn to it. This will also help to tell the viewer whether it interests them or not, and if it does they can carry on reading. It helps to make it look like a real film review too.

Film Magazine Deconstruction

In order to get ideas on how to lay out my film review, I have looked at others so mine can look as professional as possible. This film, Exam, has been reviewed, therefore I have chosen to deconstruct it. 
The background is white, which is probably the best colour to use as it makes everything easy to see and read, especially since there is small text to read. A picture of the film has been placed in the top left hand corner so the viewer's eyes will automatically get drawn to it first, therefore they will get a rough idea of what the film looks like, even if they have not seen it before. Underneath the picture is the title of the film, which is obviously very important to come before everything else. The star rating appears underneath that, so the viewer get a rough idea about how good the film is; this one is 4 stars, so whoever is reading it may want to continue to read it. Therefore I shall be adding a suitable star rating to mine too. At the bottom of the right side, some basic information about the film has been added, e.g. the certificate and directors. I shall be including something like this is mine too as it is a very quick way to learn facts about the film without having to read into much great detail, therefore it is very useful for the viewer.