Tuesday 18 December 2012

Vengeance - A Horror Short Film

My horror short film is near completion now. During the holidays I will be adding a couple more shots in between the shots that are there currently there, as the time of the film is only 2:49s. Therefore I will at least get it into the 3 minute mark, if not a bit more than that if possible. I did my best to create a variety of shots; ranging from eye level to high angle to door-opening shots. With a horror film the sound is the key, so I spent much of my time editing the sound to be as best as it can be. With every antagonist shot I either added a loud sound effect in or I made the background ambience louder, to emphasise on the fact that he is trying to kill the protagonist and so should be avioded. The first half of the film is kept in the light so we can easily see what is going on in each shot, but in the second part where she ventures down to the basement I made sure all the lights were out, using only a torch, therefore it keeps the viewer on edge as the antagonist could jump out at any time. I ensured that the knife she picks up in the kitchen was a fairly large, sharp one, so it makes the film more lethal and real, and I also used a similar knife for the antagonist to hold as well.  

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