Wednesday 10 October 2012

Audience Feedback

In order to get proper feedback from my audience, I realised the best way to do this was to film a member of my audience and ask them a series of questions. In this filming, I asked Ryan Soanes three questions about horror, and most importantly it's his own view. Therefore I can use his opinions in my short film in order to create a horror film that will appeal to people who enjoy this particular genre.
I feel more motivated after hearing what Ryan has to say as his views are very similar to the ones I had already, therefore I am well on track for correct ideas for my horror short film.

I have found out that:
  • Death, gore and screams are just some of the words that come into people's minds when they think about horror. These factors will therefore be considered in the shooting and editing of my short film.
  • In order to make a horror movie successful, the more realistic it is the better it will be. This is because we start to think that it may have a chance of happening in real life, if it appears very feel and eerie in the film. Paranormal Activity is a great example where this happens; we see the whole film through a video camera or a webcam's point of view.
  • When it comes down to sound, there should not be any lyrics in any songs. In fact, there should not be many/any songs altogether - but there should be spooky ambience most of the time.

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