Tuesday 23 October 2012

Preliminary Filming 2 - Editing

In my second piece of preliminary filming, I have edited the shots I have filmed.

I have used iMovie to do this, as this is the program I will be using to edit my actual short film. Therefore I have gained the necessary skills needed to edit pieces of film, which will make the editing of my horror film much easier and also better.
I have included this screenshot to show the layout of the program and how it works, along with the multiple shots of my preliminary filming (2). In this particular screenshot I was practising cropping, to make my prelim flow as the person is walking through the corridors.
iMovie is a very easy program to get used to, if one has never used it before. It's buttons and functions are easy to find, and once you've had a quick practise with it you can easily start to properly edit your own videos. This is the reason why i'm using iMovie to edit.


This is the final piece of my preliminary filming. I started off with my character walking from the outside of the school, straight through two doors and turning right into a corridor. I then changed the shot into a lower angled shot, as he just turned the corner. I then included an over-the-shoulder following shot of my character, as I made sure that the camera was behind his shoulder the whole time as he walked. The disadvantage to this is that the camera will shake slightly as you cannot use a tripod. This shot is followed by a close up of his foot, as he carries on walking.
I have used a tripod the whole time other that the over-the-shoulder shot to keep the film as still as possible. One factor that also needs to be kept in mind is the lighting, as it gets particularly dark at one point.

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